
Monday, April 29, 2019

It's that season: soccer, ticks, and baby dolls

This past weekend was busy and the next several weekends into June will be busy. Soccer season has arrived, so A has those games followed by Tae Kwon Do. She was pretty tough and powered through this weekend so I hope she will be able to carry on the next 6 or 8 weeks (or however long this stuff lasts).

I told Hubby I don't know how my parents did it when us 4 kids were growing up playing games every weekend and scattered all over the place. We get drained after one!!!

Speaking of "seasons"... apparently this place is very popular for ticks -- those gross, blood-sucking pests. For the first time in my own memory I had found a tick on me. Cue the internal freaking out! I was able to remove the creep easily enough and flush him away... and then, paranoid (though calmly), did quick checks over my WANs. They were clean. Guess I'll have to be watching more closely for that now.

I found something else this weekend too, W had prepared all of N's babies for bed. It was so sweet! N adores her baby dolls and can often be found hauling 1 or 2 or 4 around with her. She is a good mommy to them; giving them blankets, feeding them, giving them hugs and kisses. When she saw what her brother did she got so excited and then wouldn't lay in her bed because she would mess it up. I love to see how W expresses his caring heart for his sister.

We have a full week ahead of us and the month of May is coming like a freight train so I should sign off and head to bed.

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